horse-racingHet is vandaag, 18 juli 2015, 198 jaar geleden dat Jane Austen overleed in Winchester.

In de weken voor haar dood werden haar lichamelijke klachten – mogelijk veroorzaakt door de ziekte van Addinson of lymfeklierkanker – erger en erger. Dat ze geestelijk nog altijd even scherp was, blijkt uit het gedicht dat ze op 15 juli 1817 schreef.

Op 15 juli is het de dag van de heilige St Swithin. Het verhaal gaat dat wanneer het op 15 juli regent, het de 40 dagen erna ook zal regenen.
In het gedicht When Winchester Races beschrijft Jane op zeer komische wijze wat St Swithin ervan zou hebben gevonden dat de Winchester Races op ‘zijn’ dag, 15 juli, van start gingen.

When Winchester races zou Janes laatste werk worden; drie dagen later, op 18 juli 1817, overleed ze in de armen van haar zus Cassandra.

When Winchester races

When Winchester races first took their beginning
It is said the good people forgot their old Saint
Not applying at all for the leave of Saint Swithin
And that William of Wykeham’s approval was faint

The races however were fixed and determined
The company came and the Weather was charming
The Lords and the Ladies were satine’d and ermined
And nobody saw any future alarming.–

But when the old Saint was informed of these doings
He made but one Spring from his Shrine to the Roof
Of the Palace which now lies so sadly in ruins
And then he addressed them all standing aloof.

‘Oh! subjects rebellious! Oh Venta depraved
When once we are buried you think we are gone
But behold me immortal! By vice you’re enslaved
You have sinned and must suffer, ten farther he said

These races and revels and dissolute measures
With which you’re debasing a neighboring Plain
Let them stand–You shall meet with your curse in your pleasures
Set off for your course, I’ll pursue with my rain.

Ye cannot but know my command o’er July
Henceforward I’ll triumph in shewing my powers
Shift your race as you will it shall never be dry
The curse upon Venta is July in showers–‘.