Deze inzending voor onze Pride and Prejudice schrijfwedstrijd is geschreven door Rebecca.

Dinner has just finished and Elizabeth and Lady Rushworth retire to the drawing room. The blue satin of Lady Rushworth’s dress shimmers in the candlelight. The pearls around her neck enhance her soft complexion. Elizabeth wonders: what makes this woman so much more beautiful than herself? Was it her confinement, which made her look enormous in the sloppy dress she was now wearing? All evening she had felt jealous. Not merely because of lady Rushworth’s beauty but of the attention her husband had given her. She had been whispering silly stories in his ear and he had laughed at her follies. What on earth was Darcy thinking?
She gave him a weary look when he entered the room talking to Lord Rushworth. Napoleon had been abdicated and exiled to the Isle of Elba, they had both read it in the Times. Furthermore their beloved newspaper had been printed by a machine for the first time. Some sort of automatic, steam powered press. Elizabeth couldn’t care less. Their conversation was as boring as her day had been. She had been sitting in her room all afternoon because rain had drenched the Pemberley gardens.

Oh yes Lady Rushworth entertained you well, I believe.”

At last, Norris the butler helped the guests into their carriage to bring them back to Sotherton House.
“Well that was quite an enjoyable evening”, said Darcy as he sat down on the sofa. “The Rushworths are entertaining guests, do not you think so my dear?”
“I had rather you did not call me ‘dear'”, Elizabeth answered, trying to get out of a chair with considerable effort. She sat down next to Darcy and spoke accusingly: “Oh yes Lady Rushworth entertained you well, I believe.”
“What on earth do you mean?” Darcy looked at his wife with concern. “She was perfectly amiable and a generous listener. Pray, my dear you are not to accuse me of anything?”
“Well”, said Elizabeth in an agitated manner, “you cannot be ignorant about it sir, to what power she has over the opposite sex. Yesterday Fanny told me of her improper conduct towards reverend Crawford while in London. She is out to seduce you Darcy, and everyone will speak ill of it. She may have married lord Rushworth but it was not for love. She is a woman with greater needs besides the money he has to offer.” Darcy looked at Elizabeth with astonishment. “My dear, how can you think that I would let myself be taken in by lady Rushworth? She is good company but surely you know that I would never have any romantic interest in her? Now my dear beloved Elizabeth look at me. You have my undying love.” He gently presses a kiss on her mouth and says softly: “If you want me to renew my Lovers’ Vows every day for the rest of my life I will be very willing to do so.” Elizabeth’s heart melted and all of her fears and anxiousness were gone. She pressed her body against Darcy’s and felt the baby move.

(c) Rebecca